Sixty-Five-Gallon Trash Carts Requested by Residents Scheduled for Delivery in June
![Trast Cart Trast Cart]()
Trast Cart
Residents who requested the smaller, 65-gallon trash carts in exchange of the larger, 95-gallon trash carts are scheduled to receive them in June. This is the final phase of the City’s transition to trash cart service.
Residents who either submitted their request by phone or online prior to May 29 are scheduled to receive their carts on one of their collection days in June. The cart exchange is being completed by a separate crew than regular trash collection, so the exact delivery days are unavailable.
Residents receiving a smaller cart should leave their95-gallon cart at the curb between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on their regular collection day each week until the exchange is complete. If the crew exchanging the trash carts arrive before trash is collected that day, they will move the trash to the smaller cart for collection.
To request a smaller cart, submit a request through the Ask Arlington App (Select Garbage & Recycling, then Decrease Trash Cart Size), or by calling the Action Center at 817-459-6777. Requests received after May 29 may be completed after June.

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