The City of Arlington Public Works Department was recently awarded $385,000 in a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant by the U.S Department of Transportation for planning and demonstration projects to improve safety and help prevent deaths and serious injuries on the nation’s roadways.
The current grant funding will allow Arlington to update its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan by evaluating existing facilities, programs, services, and activities. Furthermore, this project will contribute to Arlington’s objective to transform its ADA Program into a proactive initiative to achieve the goal of improving the safety of our community.
Click here for more information on the 2023 SS4A Grant Awards
This effort will include a comprehensive condition assessment of all Arlington’s sidewalks and pedestrian facilities to develop Arlington’s first comprehensive Sidewalk Master Plan. This plan will establish a data-driven prioritization framework to identify impactful sidewalk and pedestrian facility projects to improve mobility across the entire City. This information will be used to develop budgets for future Sidewalk Capital Improvement Program Projects.
The City of Arlington recognizes the importance of community engagement and will implement various methods to involve stakeholders during this effort such as utilizing our existing advisory committee, launching a project website, applying interactive mapping tools, conducting surveys, and delivering community presentations.
The redevelopment of the ADA Transition Plan including the new Sidewalk Master Plan will enable Arlington to create a safer and more accessible environment for all residents.
To learn more about the Public Works Department’s programs and services, visit the department’s website.
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