Spring time in Texas is no stranger to severe weather. Late March brought with it heavy winds resulting in damaged trees and fences for many Arlington property owners.
Since then, crews with the City of Arlington Public Works and Transportation Department and Republic Services have been hard at work to provide additional collection services to neighborhoods that experienced the heaviest storm damage. Beginning the weekend after the storm, the City and Republic Services crews have:
- In additional to regular pickup, dedicated eight large dump trucks to the storm debris cleanup effort
- Provided extra curbside collection services in the hardest hit neighborhoods on at least five separate days, including on the weekends
- Collected approximately 336 tons of curbside debris in the month since the storm hit
The City estimated 95 percent of the trees, limbs, brush and fencing damaged by the severe storm has been picked up to date.
This week will be the final week of additional curbside collection. Until the end of April, it is not necessary to bundle tree limbs and fence panels. We do ask that residents continue to cut them into 4-foot or smaller sections and stacked on the curb to help with the collection process.
Starting Monday, May 1, regular curbside collection services will resume. Residents who still have storm debris on their property have these options:
- Curbside pickup: any remaining tree limbs and fence panels will need to be cut into 4-foot or smaller sections, tied into bundles 50 lbs. or less and placed curbside.
- Landfill: Arlington residents have the option of using the free landfill coupon program to take debris or large items, such as full fence sections or complete replacements, to the landfill for disposal. The landfill is located at 800 Mosier Valley Road in north Arlington. Click here for the coupon.
- Call for help: Residents may contact Republic Services directly at 817-317-2000 to schedule a chipper service. Please be advised there is a fee for this service.
- Call the City of Arlington's Action Center at 817-459-6777 with questions.
Garbage & Recycling, Headlines, News, Public Works