Watershed Protection Plan Public Meeting: Dec. 10, 2015

The Lake Arlington-Village Creek Watershed Protection Plan will be presented publicly to begin the process of gathering input to help guide the development of strategies to help protect the water quality in Lake Arlington and Village Creek. The WPP is a voluntary, non-regulatory approach to achieve water quality goals through the strategic application of best management practices.
The City of Arlington, the Trinity River Authority of Texas and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality are partnering with local governments, business owners and residents.
Village Creek is currently listed as an impaired water body on the TCEQ 2010 Texas Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality. While it is not currently listed as impaired, Lake Arlington was included in the 2012 Integrated Report for nitrate and chlorophyll-a concerns.
- Thursday, Dec. 10, 2-4 p.m.
- Burleson Service Center, University Room
725 SE John Jones Drive, Burleson, Texas
News, Public Works