The Arlington Police Department has partnered with the Arlington Independent School District (AISD) on a firearms training simulator. The department purchased the Ti Training Corp TL-102 simulator for approximately $95,000 and received approval from the Texas State Review Board to house it at the AISD Dan Dipert Career and Technical Center.
The system has the capability to provide training for up to four people simultaneously on an ultra-wide, high-definition screen. Ti Training Corporation provides 600 initial scenarios that are updated annually. During scenario training, de-escalation and escalation of a suspect's actions may be adjusted throughout the video training to reflect the user's decisions they have made in response to each scenario presented. The availability to adjust the interactions during scenarios gives participants the unique ability to utilize critical thinking skills throughout the exercise. The platform can also be utilized for classroom response calculations during lectures via remotes that students input their answers into in order to provide immediate feedback to the instructor and class.
"The addition of this training simulator in the AISD Police Academy will allow our students to graduate exceptionally prepared for college and a future law enforcement career," Superintendent Dr. Marcelo Cavazos said. "This hands-on, real-world experience will help our students realize their potential while they're with us."
This system will enhance scenario-based training opportunities for AISD Police Academy students and APD officers. AISD Police Academy students and personnel will have primary use of the system during school hours. The APD will share the use of this facility when not scheduled by school groups during the day and during the evenings, including overnight.
"Reality based training has proven to provide the greatest opportunity for officers to enhance their decision making skills under stressful conditions and improve the likelihood for successful outcomes," said Police Chief Will Johnson. "This technology will expand our current reality based training efforts while also serving as a tool to begin to develop the decision making skills of our potential future employees through our Hometown Recruiting Program with AISD."
Arlington ISD, Support Youth and Families
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