Arlington Animal Services Foster Pet Program Volunteers Share Their Thoughts
The spring and summer of 2012 has proven to be a year with a tremendous number of kittens making their way to Arlington Animal Services (AAS), which made the timing just right for Adopt-a-Shelter Cat month in June. Many of these adorable little fur-babies need special attention - and for some, their lives depend on it.
In response to the needs of these fragile felines, AAS Customer Service Agent and Foster Care Coordinator Tia Sellars and Veterinarian Technician Stephen Anthony conducted several informative foster pet care orientations focusing on the care of kittens from newborn to eight weeks of age.
Sellars reports that "During the month of June, the Foster Kitten Adopt-A-Thons were successful at finding forever homes for 35 cats. The foster pet parents that participated in this program were sad to see the kittens they bonded with go, but were glad that they were going to homes where they would be cared for and loved for the rest of their lives. Together with the foster pet parents and the shelter staff, we have built the Foster Pet Program into something great, and it still has much room for potential and growth."
Sellars shared quotes from two dedicated Foster Pet Parents below:
"Fostering is really a life changing experience. If you love animals, the greatest gift you can give them is your time and love to help them flourish and find new forever homes. The best feeling is seeing your foster that you've spent lots of time and energy on find their forever family. Fostering saves lives." - Bri Arroyo
"Letting go of her was an emotional battle after all that kitty and I went through, but I trust that I found her a good home but if for some reason they bring her back, she will always be welcome in my home. Please let me know if you need help with any more special babies. Thanks for the opportunity to get to know her." - Samantha Trimble
AAS is looking for more volunteers to join the Foster Pet Parents team to help save the lives of special needs animals. If you love animals and have a genuine interest in volunteering your time to help an animal in need, please contact Tia Sellars at [email protected] or at 817-575-8129.
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Read inspiring stories from Foster Pet Volunteers
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Animal Services, News