Families in south Arlington will have a new pocket park development to enjoy this spring.
The Arlington City Council approved a construction agreement with Northstar Construction LLC for Nathan Lowe Park Development in the amount of $233,500 on August 22, 2017.
Nathan Lowe Park is a 12.09-acre property located along the Fish Creek Linear Park system, at the intersection of Tennessee Trail and Medina Dr.
The scope of this park development includes construction of concrete walkways, playground equipment for two age groups (2-5 years old and 5-12 years old) with swings, benches, trash receptacles, landscape improvements and a park monument sign.
The playground equipment will contain several challenging and fun components, integral shade canopies, as well as educational, nature themed play panels. Safety surfacing will be installed to provide shock absorbency, to help minimize playground injuries and provide a safe environment for children.
The projected substantial completion is Spring 2018. This pocket park development is made possible due to funding appropriated in the 2008 bond program.
Bond Program
News, Parks & Recreation