The City of Arlington is offering sandbags to residents and businesses needing protection after the recent storms.
Free sandbags are available in the parking lot of the Traffic Engineering/Public Works and Transportation facility located at 1011 Main Street, between Cooper and Davis. Staff will be available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Simply go through the gate to the fence line, then turn right and you will see the sanding crew. They will load your trunk with sandbags so you don't have to get out of your vehicle.
"Our crews need to be commended for spending their holiday weekend cleaning debris from culverts and roadways throughout Arlington," said Assistant Director of Public Works and Transportation. "Without their hard work, flooding around the city could have been worse."
For more information about sandbag availability, please call 817-459-5400.
News, Public Works