This fall, Downtown Arlington will be treated to the sights and sounds of a medieval tournament during the Arlington Public Library"s Medieval Arts Festival. Swords will ring and sunlight flash on the elaborate costumes of lords and ladies as history comes alive for an afternoon.
This free event has something for the whole family to learn and enjoy, from storytelling to arts to live weapons exhibits. Join us for the fifteenth annual Medieval Arts Festival on Saturday, November 4 from noon to 5 p.m. at the Levitt Pavilion in Downtown Arlington.
The Medieval Arts Festival continues to grow! This is the second year the Festival is being held outdoors at the Levitt Pavilion. For the first time, attendees can shop local vendors and food trucks. Children can build castles, dragons, and anything else they imagine with the Library"s Imagination Playground in a Cart, thanks to Target and KaBOOM! The Dallas Marshalls chapter of the Armored Combat League will also perform live weaponry demonstrations.
Many crowd favorites are returning this year. Medieval Facts Examiner and local author Troy Depue will be returning for the sixth year to discuss various facets of life in the Middle Ages. He"ll also have copies of his book, Diary of Mordred, available for purchase.
The Society for Creative Anachronism will demonstrate ancient weaponry and display handcrafted artisan items including musical instruments, tools, fiber arts and more. The live action role-playing group Amtgard, Barony of Mourningwood Glen is returning with their boffer swords, foam weapons that can be used in safe fight play. The Library will also provide a variety of children"s activities all day.
Costumes are always welcome, so put on your medieval or fantasy best. Festival attendees are eligible for door prizes including The Dragon - the Knight pop-up books and tickets donated by Theatre Arlington, Scarborough Renaissance Festival and Medieval Times.
Mark your calendars for the Medieval Arts Festival on Saturday, November 4 from noon to 5 p.m. at the Levitt Pavilion, 100 W. Abram St. Click here for more information, including a parking map.
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