The City of Arlington"s Stormwater Management Division maintains the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or storm drain system.
It was designed to divert excess rainwater to the many creeks and streams found in the City of Arlington. Because this system connects our streets, driveways and other impervious surfaces directly to our local waterways, it is important for our residents to prevent pollutants from entering the storm drain system.
Swimming pool and spa water contains chemicals such as chlorine, bromine, algaecides, biocides as well as filter media like Diatomaceous earth (DE), cellulose fiber and sand particles. These pollutants can cause fish kills, destabilize the aquatic wildlife populations and lead to higher water treatment costs for drinking water.
Residents have three options for draining their pool water.
- Drain pool water to yard or landscapes.
- Drain pool water directly to the storm drain system
- Drain pool water to the sanitary sewer system.
Whichever option that is chosen, residents must remember to De-Chlorinate the water. It is a violation of city ordinance to discharge any chemical to the storm drain system. Therefore test the water for chlorine and make sure the pH is between 6.5 and 9. Our Swimming Pool and Spa brochure provides how-to specifics for all three options. Remember: Do no harm to your neighbor"s property, city property or the local water quality.
A Citizen"s Guide to Swimming Pools and Spas
In order to promote a healthy ecosystem and environment for our community, the Stormwater Management Division invites you to visit the Environmental Education section of our website for more information about Stormwater Pollution and Prevention at www.arlingtontx.gov/stormwater. Or if you have questions, contact the Environmental Education Specialist at [email protected].
News, Public Works, Water Utilities