The Arlington City Council approved three projects funded by the voter-approved 2014 Bond Election at the evening session on Tuesday, November 29, 2016.
Here is a list of the projects moving forward as the Arlington City Council and several departments work together to make The American Dream City a better place to live, learn, work and play.
1. Design contract for Woodland West Branch Library remodel.
The Arlington City Council approved a design contract with Elements of Architecture, Inc., of Fort Worth related to the renovations of the existing Woodland West Branch Library facility in the amount of $45,000.
The project includes improvements to the south entrance and enclosing the west patio area to expand the existing Woodland West Branch Library.
2. Design contract amendment for East Arlington Recreation Center, East Arlington Branch Library, and Bob Cooke Park Improvements.
The Arlington City Council approved an amendment to the agreement with Brinkley-Sargent-Wiginton Architects, of Dallas for the new East Arlington Recreation Center, East Arlington Branch Library, and Bob Cooke Park improvements in the amount of $44,370.
The amendment includes additional services to provide topographic map for a portion of Bob Cooke Park and to prepare a boundary survey necessary for the new facility.
3. Contract modification to the Engineering Services Contract for Abram Street (Cooper Street to Collins Street).
The Arlington City Council approved a modification to the Engineering Services contract with Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc., of Arlington for the Abram Street project (Cooper Street to Collins Street) in the amount of $201,259.
The Abram Street (Cooper Street to Collins Street) project is currently in the design stages for water, sanitary sewer, paving, drainage, landscape, LED streetlights and traffic signals along Abram Street between Cooper Street and Collins Street.
The project will also include the following streetscape improvements: pedestrian lighting, tree plantings, parkway landscape improvements, stamped concrete/pavers at intersections, LED pedestrian lighting and parkway benches and trash bins.
This contract modification includes additional design fees for items that were added after the original design contract was awarded and includes the following improvements:
- Surveying and engineering on 8" water line from Lampe Street to Main Street along Cooper Street right of way.
- Additional surveying in front of City Hall.
- Additional surveying at various locations beyond the right of way.
- Electrical engineering design for separate Event Power System to serve public festivals and events between West Street and Mary Street.
- Preparation of separate plans for TxDOT review and approval for parkway enhancements from Cooper Street to Center Street.
- Research and design of crash resistant retractable bollard system.
2014 Bond Project Tracker, Bond Program
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