For many parents, registering for school online is a convenience that allows them to check an item off the to-do list from the comfort of home. But for those without a home computer or Internet service, the required online registration can be a burden.
To help those who needed access or a little extra guidance during the process for the 2016-17 school year, the Arlington Public Library offered online pre-registration help sessions to AISD parents during the week of August 8. Families who took advantage of the sessions were able to use library computers, ask questions, and receive help from bilingual staff familiar with the online registration format.
Technology Training Specialist Sarai Suarez said that after seeing the high numbers of parents with questions about the online pre-registration process in recent years, it was an easy decision to schedule the help sessions.
'Navigating the online pre-registration process isn 't always intuitive or quick, ' Suarez said. 'Scheduling time to offer dedicated assistance to those who wanted the help was a way of providing computer assistance like we do for people every day. '
In total, 94 Arlington families came through the East Arlington Branch to receive assistance registering their children online. Many more utilized library branches throughout Arlington to register their students online using the library 's public computers or free Wi-Fi network. Library cardholders can use public computers at no cost, and wireless service is available to anyone in the building who wishes to access it.
Helping families register for school is just one of the many ways the Arlington Public Library is helping the city support quality education. A library card is a great school supply for new and returning students, as well as the whole family. Library cards are free to Arlington residents with a government-issued photo ID and proof of local address. Learn how to get a library card and find the branch nearest you today so you can enjoy all the great things your library has to offer.
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