The Arlington Police Department recently profiled the newly formed Julia Burgen/College Oaks Neighborhood Watch in its latest edition of On Call, a community news publication shared on the department"
s website.

6:30 P.M. SUNDAY, JUNE 28
Neighbors began leaving their homes, walking to the Julia Burgen Linear Park in central Arlington.
Barrie and her husband were overjoyed as they waited underneath the pavilion. They worried if there would be enough ice cream bars.
The response is amazing,"
Barrie told the group. "
The goal of a Neighborhood Watch is a safer neighborhood, but a side benefit is a more vibrant community where we talk with one another and lend a helping hand when someone is in need."
Following introductions, a clipboard was passed around and everyone was asked to sign in and provide contact information. Arlington Police Department Crime Prevention Specialist Michelle Benjamin stepped forward as a speaker.
Neighborhood Watch is one of the oldest and most effective crime prevention programs in the country,"
Benjamin said. "
We count on people just like to you to organize and work with their local law enforcement to keep a trained eye and ear on their communities."

Neighbors were also eager to know more about National Night Out, which will be held in The American Dream City and communities across the country on Tuesday, Oct. 3.
s a big celebration of police and community partnerships,"
Benjamin said. "
People gather outdoors to connect with their neighbors for a united stand against crime in their neighborhoods."
There are block parties, gatherings on front lawns, at churches, apartment complexes and in parks. All in attendance said, "
Yes to National Night Out!"
A second meeting was held at the same location in the park. Officer Kim Fretwell was present to talk about crime and address concerns such as speeding, noise and safety in the park at night.
After only two meetings, it"
s great to see how the residents are coming together to make their neighborhood a terrific place to live,"
said. The neighbors also decided on a name. They are the Julia Burgen/College Oaks Neighborhood Watch.
National Night Out, held the first Tuesday of October in Texas, promotes crime prevention, police-community partnership and neighborhood camaraderie. It encourages people to turn on their porch lights, step outside, and get to know their neighbors at small block parties. Law enforcement agencies stop by the parties to offer public safety tips and ways to stay connected to their local police departments.
5 Reasons to
Sign Up for National Night Out
- It"
s free!
- It"
s an excellent way to meet and connect with your neighbors.
- It"
s a
fun way to stand up against crime.
- In October, several cities throughout Texas are celebrating at the same time as Arlington.
- Arlington is ranked No. 2 nationally in cities with a population over 360,000.
Please visit for more information.
Related article:
Register Your Neighborhood Now for National Night Out
National Night Out
News, Police, Public Safety