![Code-Compliance-Real-Estate Code-Compliance-Real-Estate](https://cdnsm5-hosted.civiclive.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_14481062/Image/News/Articles-Code-Compliance-Real-Estate-11-10-18.jpg)
Partnerships are growing, strengthening, and making Arlington an even greater place to call home.
Code Compliance was invited to speak at Dallas Real Estate Investment Group (REIG)'s meeting on the first of November. This active real estate professional group, led by founder-investor-coach Joe Boston is focused on providing education, training and resources for investors.
Senior Code Compliance Officer's David Engel and Lesley Mills along with Code Compliance Supervisor Ann Ebert presented attendees with key information about common code violations on residential properties, followed by a question/answer session. Several violation types were covered, including abandoned appliances,new garage sale permit guidelines,parking in the yard, and more. When the topic of high weeds and grass was presented, officers responded to questions about the single-notification process. The attentive group was engaged and interactive throughout the presentation.
Ebert encouraged everyone to visit the Code Compliance website Rapid Reference Guides for additional single-family and multi-family information including links to ordinances pertaining to violation types. Development of a guide for commercial properties will be released soon.
The group expressed a special interest in Arlington properties in disrepair, possibly with motivated sellers, as potential investment opportunities. Information was provided about the Dangerous and Substandard Structures (DSS) program and the story map that includes locations of currently active DSS cases in Arlington with a link to a downloadable DSS list in the Arlington Open Data Portal.
City representatives from Code Compliance expressed appreciation to the Dallas REIG investment group for their interest in code compliance, city ordinances, and how laws affect the use of property and the responsibilities of property owners. This collaboration supports the Council Priority to Champion Great Neighborhoods, and demonstrates the City is invested in its communities and the services it provides.
The Ask Arlington downloadable app provides an online method of notifying the City about problems such as code violations, pot holes, burned-out street lights, and more. Another option is to call the Action Center hotline at 817-459-6777.
Champion Great Neighborhoods
Code Compliance, Government, News