What Is The Unified Development Code?

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Last updated: September 26, 2023
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The Unified Development Code (UDC) is a document that consolidates all development-related regulations including zoning and land use, subdivisions, design and development standards, and review procedures.
The UDC has several advantages over maintaining separate zoning and subdivision ordinances. First, it avoids overlapping, conflicting, or inconsistent requirements by providing one source for all standards and approval procedures. Second, the UDC is simpler for customers to use since they only need to become familiar with one set of standards. Finally, by integrating all types of development, the UDC offers a more flexible and comprehensive approach to design, which leads to a more consistent treatment of different types of development.
The UDC was effective on July 10, 2014.
Finding Information in the UDC
The UDC is organized into 12 articles that cover zoning districts, land uses, development standards, signs, and procedures. See the UDC Introduction for a summary of each article.
Amendments and Updates
The Unified Development Code has been amended and updated since its adoption in June 2014. Amendments keep the UDC relevant with changes that reflect the latest thinking on land use and development. Omnibus updates are made to eliminate unclear language, correct errors, and update content based on interpretations and practices of the department.
- View the February 1, 2023, UDC Update related to Tobacco, E-cigarettes, CHP, or Non-traditional Smoking-related Retail Stores
- View the March 7, 2023, UDC Annual Update
- View the May 23, 2023, UDC Update related to the Flex Hybrid Zoning District (not yet codified in the complete UDC)
- View the September 5, 2023, UDC Update related to Cottage Communities (not yet codified in the complete UDC)
- View the September 26, 2023, UDC Update related to Wall Murals (not yet codified in the complete UDC)
- View the April 9, 2024, UDC Update related to Hotel Design Standards (not yet codified in the complete UDC)
- View the April 9, 2024, UDC Annual Update
UDC Updates - Under Consideration
Tree Preservation and Mitigation Update